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File: Nutritionalcarestrategy
strategy to improve nutritional care in hospitals version control date version 2 20 november 2008 implementation date december 2008 next formal review date december 2011 eqia rapid impact assessment 11 ...

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...Strategy to improve nutritional care in hospitals version control date november implementation december next formal review eqia rapid impact assessment august consultation record nurse link group patient focus public involvement lpf anmac consultant s aacahp hospital management csmt cgcg board contents introduction strategic context goals of nhs shetland framework dietetic service implementing the overall purpose this is provide a for improving food provision and status patients achieve aims are ensure that receive high standard throughout their journey into out fluids effectively efficiently delivered at all times during admitted screened within hours admission using must malnutrition universal screening tool these will be achieved by working co ordinated way meet qis standards as detailed action plan appendix policy document demographics recognises there number groups with specific needs need addressed order they follows children frail elderly people those who clinically compromised ...

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