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25 Election Articles Articles

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Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Election articles. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Assassinations And Attempted Assassinations Of US Presidents
..... With the wide range of candidates vying for the White House in 2008, many of them will be disappointed, while only one can prevail. To buck up the spirits of the also-rans, here's a little list of famous unfortunate exits and almost-exits from the Oval Office. Sure, you never got elected, but at least none of these have happened to you! Assassination: .....


2. Biotechnology And Politics What To Do
..... One of the snags in a political system is that it isn't always well-equipped to keep up with changes in technology. When the Internet came along, lawmakers were aghast at how to regulate it, or if it is to be regulated at all. Computers gave rise to software - a medium like books and music in some ways, but different in others. They're still grappling over how to manage laws pertaining to software, and to adjust patent and copyright law to better fit this unforeseen media entity. But if they're having a tough time keeping up with electronic technology, they're in for a real poser with biological technology. It is obvious from research that within our century, biotechnology will give rise to a host of new issues to deal with that we never saw before. Whether they come from our country or somewhere else, they're definitely on the way. .....


3. Can You Believe In Evolution And Still Be President
..... At the Republican debates, a reporter asked "Is there anybody on the stage that does not agree, believe in evolution?" Only three candidates raised their hand: Sam Brownback, Mike Huckabee, and Tom Tancredo. It seems like a silly question at first - why should you even ask a President whether they believe in evolution? But it turns out that a lot of the policies of setting national law do tie back to this very simple question. .....


4. Did Bush Kill The Conservative Party
..... The question on millions of voter's minds is, "Can we ever trust again?" This isn't just granola-munching Flower Child Liberals talking, either. Conservative voices this year have spent more time criticizing their own group than they have been defending that group from outsiders. A collective groan can be heard going up from the Grand Old Party this year, because there's an absolute lack of viable candidates. The Democrats might be tempted to say "Well, that didn't stop you in 2000!", but this is different. Bush knew the Republican spirit and knew how to play to it. .....


5. Hillary Has Company Some Women Who Have Run For President Before
..... Hillary Clinton is boldly running for President in 2008, and the thought may seem unusual, since we've never had a woman President. We have, however, had a President election with a woman on the ballot before - 13 elections, in fact! Here's a look at some of the more notable cases of this phenomena, and why Clinton may just have a chance. Lenora Fulani - ran for the New Alliance Party in 1988. She is a developmental psychologist and psychotherapist. She is perhaps the most successful female Presidential candidate so far. She is both the first woman and the first African-American to achieve a spot on the ballot in all fifty states, and she pulled a record number of votes for a female candidate, at 217,219. She ran again in 1992 for the same party, but didn't do as well. In 1993, she joined with activists rallying around Ross Perot, to get an alternative voting platform going. .....


6. Key Battleground States In The 2008 Presidential Election
..... The 2008 election is on target to be the most harrowing election in recent memory. This will be the first Presidential election since 1928 that has no incumbents in the primary, with the 1952 election counting as a certain exception since Truman's name was indeed on the ballot, but he did not campaign. Harry had run out of "hell" to give anybody. Additionally, there is massive and passionate anger in the voting ranks. We have the unpopular Iraq war in our laps, a budget surplus has been turned into the largest deficit in history, with what all figures point to as the least popular President stepping down from an eight-year reign - with impeachment cries dogging his heels, no less. The Republicans have lost more friends at this point than they ever have before. At the same time, we have massive dissatisfaction with the Democrat side, where we have had defeats at the hands of lame duck Democrat Presidential candidates and voted in a score of Democrats into the Senate and Congress who have since sat on their hands and done nothing. .....


7. Past Presidential Election Losers And Where They Are Now
..... It's hard to believe how much excitement is built up for each candidate, only to see the losers shuffle off again into obscurity. Here, we'll jolt your memory with a list of also-rans from elections past, and try to ferret out what became of them. We won't bother with the very obvious ones are - you don't need us to tell you what Al Gore is doing, do you? - but the ones who are question marks may prove interesting. John Kerry, Democrat, 2004 - After conceding the election to George W. Bush before the last votes were even counted, Kerry concluded the most lackluster campaign in recent memory by returning to his Senate duties, with one last assurance to his supporters that he'd fight the good fight. Well, he's still the Junior Senator from Massachusetts, under senior Senator Ted Kennedy. He's basically not very busy. He's attended a rally here and there and pushed out the occasional bill, and chairs some Senate committees, but generally avoids the spotlight like a vampire. .....


8. Political Terms To Know For The 2008 Election A K
..... Bone up on your political jargon with this handy list of political phrases and expressions. While there are many of these, this list may be especially relevant to Presidential Election 2008, so keep an eye out for spotting these concepts as the race unfolds in all its drama! Absurdistan - A satiric term for any country where absurdity is the norm. A funny farm on a national scale. What America may feel like when this election is over. .....


9. Political Terms To Know For The 2008 Election L Z
..... Bone up on your political jargon with this handy list of political phrases and expressions. While there are many of these, this list may be especially relevant to Presidential Election 2008, so keep an eye out for spotting these concepts as the race unfolds in all its drama! Lame duck - This is an elected official who is soon losing political power and is no longer feeling very responsible for his or her actions. Typical lame duck maneuvers are to pull off a string of moves just before leaving, which they never would have done if they had to worry about getting elected again. What will George Bush pull out of his sleeve next December? .....


10. Presidential Campaigning In The Media
..... Getting that message out to the voters - it's going to begin soon! The wonderful advertising round of the Presidential 2008 election season is about to get underway. Already, the major candidates have each blessed us with a "Holiday wishes" ad spot. It was brief, sweet, and to the point, and not shown too often, so that viewers don't spend the Holidays resenting the candidates, but with a definite air of "we'll be right back to pound you with the heavy advertising on January 2nd!" So, here's what kinds of hustling they're run on you, and its relative effectiveness. Direct mail flyers - not nearly as successful as they used to be - even if you like the candidate, it's not like you're going to frame their pamphlet or anything. You'll probably just give it to the kids to color or fold it into an origami swan and send it away, like you do with all of your junk mail. .....


11. Should We Do Away With The Presidential Election Campaign Fund
..... Traditionally, tax payers every year have been confronted by that little box on the tax form, giving them the option to donate part of their refund to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. But it could soon turn out that that practice will go the way of the dodo. Estimates have it that the race for the 2008 White House could carry a $500 million price tag, which is far more than the Presidential Election Campaign Fund can hold. Because of this, Democratic and Republican nominees could decline to use the fund in both the primary and the general elections. Pundits have identified the Presidential Election Campaign Fund as being broken, having not kept up with inflation, and that it also fails to take into account the greater number of media streams available to campaign through. When they say that, they mean "the Internet", which is having the greatest effect on the voter's decision process this year more then any other previous year. .....


12. The 2008 Election And The Iraq War Ripple
..... Time heals all wounds. That's an old proverb. But how much time? It probably depends on the wound. For now, no one can say that the United States is over the 9/11 attack. The attack, the Afghanistan war, and the Iraq war, have left a scar that will grow up and grow older with us, year after year, President after President. .....


13. The Internet Influence On Elections
..... United States Presidential candidates for 2008 have a growing factor to address: the increased usage of the Internet. Fully half the people on Earth are going online now, and the United States is one of the most wired countries in the world. First there are the blogs. Big-ticket bloggers like Wonkette, DailyKos, and Little Green Footballs have replaced newspapers and magazines as the sounding board for public opinion. Most web users are more likely to get their news from the web than from the TV. Television news is slow and repetitive; the few companies controlling the network station lead to a homogenized environment where everybody pretty much says the same thing. .....


14. The Most Colorful Presidential Nicknames
..... Well, that's one of the benefit of a Democracy, is you can make fun of or chum around with the Commander in Chief, and not get beheaded for it. Nothing expresses the colorful character of United States culture like the nicknames we give our Presidents. Here are some of the best, with the stories behind them. Shrub (George Walker Bush) - A name bestowed in the writings of the late Molly Ivins, the American columnist and author. Seen by many as the Dorothy Parker of modern politics, it took a sharp wit like Molly's to draw the connection between the surname "Bush" and a reference to the Junior President being hardly capable of filling the shadow of Bush Senior. .....


15. The Role Of Religion In Presidential Politics
..... This year's Presidential election presents a wide spectrum of religious faith amongst the candidates. This year more than ever, it begs the question: What role, if any, should religion play in the policies of the Federal government? The American people seem to lean towards the side of preferring religious candidates. After all, there's no point in trying to pretend that ours is a secular government; our pledge says "under God", our money says "In God we trust", and our Presidents frequently make references to prayer. While we seem to be nervous about sliding into a theocracy, and prefer our leaders not to have too strong an agenda towards a particular denomination, we still seem to want some general amount of religious belief in our Chief Commander. .....


16. The Wacky World Of Independent Candidates Of 2008
..... Every four years, it seems, the race for the Presidency spawns a kind of party atmosphere for a while where basically, everybody and his sister says that they're running for President. But besides the more popular third parties, such as Green and Libertarian, there's the great, vast array of the Independents. There is no "Independent party", exactly; you just announce your candidacy and do your best to run. And hope nobody runs an article like this one making fun of you. Blake Ashby - website: http://www.ashby2008.com/ .....


17. Understanding The Electoral College
..... The ground shook in the year 2000, as the cries of outrage rang across the United States. "What do you MEAN the popular vote didn't win!?!?!" One could hardly blame the citizens for being shocked; the last time this happened was in 1888! The Electoral College vote had over-ridden the popular vote. George Bush was going into office... by the grace of just five electoral votes, despite having gotten 543,816 fewer popular votes than Al Gore. Even some of the people who voted for Bush were mad... because no matter who won, it was obvious that something was awry. To understand the invention of the Electoral College, we have to look at the circumstances under which it was created. The founding fathers faced the unique difficulty of how to elect a president in a newly formed nation. Where they'd come from, there were only kings, so they had no practical experience; they had to wing it. The country at the time was made up of 13 states of varying sizes. Each of them had their own laws and powers. Everybody had just come through a scary revolution and still had a phobia about powerful, centralized governments. .....


18. Unusual United States Political Parties
..... What, are the only parties you know about Democrat and Republican? Oh, so you're heard of the Libertarian and Green parties? No, think even more obscure. The United States has hundreds of political parties; quite a few of them have even put up a candidate. Even recently! But let's take a look at some of the more... ah, unusual parties out there. The Prohibition Party - .....


19. Urban Legends Of The Presidency
..... When the United States was first founded, it took a while for them to concede to even have a President at all. It was believed that having one central executive figure would be too much like having a king - something they still shuddered at the thought of. Well, in terms of how kingdoms tend to inspire legends, they were at least partly right - quite a bit of folklore has grown up around the office of President. Let's get to the bottom of some of these and sort the truth from the balderdash. Did Jimmy Carter see a UFO? .....


20. What Kind Of Campaign Can We Expect From The Candidates
..... At this point, the front runners for each of the parties are beginning to make themselves evident - and they've already taken a few swipes at each other in the press. So, since we're about to get to the fun part of campaign commercial seasons, it's worth taking a look at how each of the candidates will use their advertising dollars to get their message out to the public. This is actually predictable to an extent, since we have a good character record to go by. Clinton - Expect a very positive message of hope. Clinton's focus is on domestic and family issues, with a generous dose of Civil Rights. She may run the occasional attack ad, but then only to compare her opponent's record and stand on the issues to her own. She can do very well with ads revolving around health care, happy children, ending the war to bring the troops home to their families, and improving education. She will have to earnestly defend herself on her foreign and economic policy. If she doesn't get at least one "tax-and-spend Democrat" salvo fired at her, the other candidates just aren't trying. .....


21. What Is The Green Party
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22. What Is The Libertarian Party
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23. What The Presidents Did Before They Entered Politics
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24. Where The Candidates Stand On International Politics
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25. Why The United States Is Not A Democracy
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