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picture1_Family Therapy Pdf 106271 | Swa1000

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File: Family Therapy Pdf 106271 | Swa1000
united states international university africa swa 1000 beginning swahili 1 course syllabus course description an introduction to the history origin and spread of swahili basic greetings basic vocabulary pronunciation noun ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...United states international university africa swa beginning swahili course syllabus description an introduction to the history origin and spread of basic greetings vocabulary pronunciation noun class system verb structure pronouns adjectives adverbs sentence objectives by end student is expected have acquired knowledge on grammatical structures be able use appropriately various in pronounce words correctly ability speak write comprehend simple conversations participate content will include following topics week general historical background kiswahili national significance sound identification roots stems affixes family days months year classes m wa parts body numerals money counting mi foods drinks telling time ki vi transport sports nature ji ma tense marking personal possessive present na mid quarter examinations demonstrative past li relative future ta n interrogatives interrogative u other speech pa ku word order sentences perfect me verbs auxiliaries revision final examination tea...

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