class notes class vi topic vocabulary idioms proverbs subject english 3 mowgli finds his family 7 legends in sports idioms idioms are phrase or expression that typically presents a figurative ...
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...Class notes vi topic vocabulary idioms proverbs subject english mowgli finds his family legends in sports are phrase or expression that typically presents a figurative non literal meaning attached to the but some phrases become while retaining of meanings different from individual words they made up use creative and expected manner convey an idea most common with their better late than never arrive not come at all break leg good luck call it day stop working on something put end work hit sack go sleep s rocket science complicated perfect storm worst possible situation adding insult injury make bad even worse don t judge book by its cover judging someone initial appearance costs arm is overpriced very expensive once blue moon doesn happen often page no ferry reader answers be done match idiom fish out water d completely place whale time c let cat bag reveal secret hold your horses e wait bit wild goose chase b useless exercise sleeping dogs lie g leave things as lion share h largest par...