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international journal of education and research vol 4 no 2 february 2016 a conceptual metaphorical analysis of swahili proverbs with reference to chicken metaphor by john m kobia associate professor ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...International journal of education and research vol no february a conceptual metaphorical analysis swahili proverbs with reference to chicken metaphor by john m kobia associate professor kiswahili faculty arts humanities chuka university kenya abstract this is domestic animals in selected focus on based their source domains the paper examines socio cultural economic background that shapes underlining meanings inherent them reveals are used metaphorically as repository traditional wisdom people vehicle articulate worldview keywords theory introduction universal phenomenon omoniyi universality makes it difficult define what proverb however close reading paremiology study there many definitions numerous any community for instance abraham views short readymade sententious statements common truth constituted from life experience rhetorical or conversational situations formal informal events an expert oral literature africa finnegan describes saying more less fixed form marked shortness sens...