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issn 1799 2591 theory and practice in language studies vol 2 no 2 pp 314 318 february 2012 2012 academy publisher manufactured in finland doi 10 4304 tpls 2 2 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Issn theory and practice in language studies vol no pp february academy publisher manufactured finland doi tpls the influence of metaphor on sense impression english shufang cheng zhengzhou institute aeronautical industrial management china email sophiacsf com abstract this paper discusses as a figure speech first then talks about synaesthesia from cognitive perspective order to explain metaphorical use it borrows examples some literary works finally draws conclusion that has exerted great index terms synaesthetic i introduction traditionally been viewed most important form figurative is usually seen reaching its sophisticated forms or poetic languages like simile also makes comparison between two unlike elements but implied rather than stated where one object literally referred another for example my cat ball fire would be because being when things are compared directly show common quality an time thief not really both can fleeting according oxford dictionary which name descriptive te...