File: Metaphor Pdf 104774 | 9408 Item Download 2022-09-24 01-37-12
international academic workshop on social science iaw sc 2013 study on the essence of metaphor duan youguo department of freshmen education yangtze university jingzhou china 13886641877 139 com abstract based ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 24 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...International academic workshop on social science iaw sc study the essence of metaphor duan youguo department freshmen education yangtze university jingzhou china com abstract based definitions this paper species for and to substitute category etc illustrates origin some popular theories common point among them is replace one word with what really at same time due fact that another people s cognitive ability develops times three stages then substitution in thing development also get detailed explanation or take advantage keywords comparison intera demonstrate a certain relationship while referred two ction figrative philosophy mind things words are mostly irrelevant example my pet dog left me yesterday speaker must feel i introduction heartbroken when died but he she felt was originated from greek tell it others order share her grief die has basic meaning away out world there many metapherein which meta means exceeding ways express such as pass go west pherein carrying exact definition...