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picture1_Language Pdf 101520 | Cases Item Download 2022-09-22 14-56-14

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File: Language Pdf 101520 | Cases Item Download 2022-09-22 14-56-14
modern greek grammar konstantinos athanasiou 5 the cases in a higly inflected language as greek the role of the words in the sentence is not indicated by their position but ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Modern greek grammar konstantinos athanasiou the cases in a higly inflected language as role of words sentence is not indicated by their position but are different forms articles nouns adjectives pronouns participles can have form changes at ending first part so called stem does change has four st nominative nd genitive rd th accusative ancient vocative case direct address indicates subject helen buys apples predicate well when linking verbs used nikos good pupil possesion niko s car maria bicycle with related to may indicate action if these convert word will become victory spartans won object they guardians country guard indirect mostly persons or personal certain e g phone look like grandmother gives ring i give him book offer her coffee phoned he looks his father age date time am years old my birthday on march middle week cause sorrow farewell purpose use leisure trip climbing shoes all rights reserved no this work be reproduced digital any other print photoprint microfilm means wit...

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