File: Inventory Pdf 159950 | Full Item Download 2023-01-21 04-43-12
original research reg anesth pain med first published as 10 1136 rapm 2020 101520 on 11 february 2021 downloaded from prevalence of burnout and its relationship to health status and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Jan 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Original research reg anesth pain med first published as rapm on february downloaded from prevalence of burnout and its relationship to health status social support in more than subspecialty anesthesiologists steve a hyman elizabeth borg card oscar de leon casasola matthew s shotwell yaping shi b weinger prepublication history abstract maslach inventory the additional material is background physician may be at epidemic human services survey mbi hs has online only view please visit journal http dx proportions due factors associated with modern been extensively validated for use clinicians doi org healthcare practice technology attributes varies among medical special vary appreciably subspecialists understanding ties report an incidence numbered affiliations see could median range compared colleagues illuminate potential causes interventions we end article other specialties recent study suggests that up evaluated burnfout mental physical half all anesthesiology residents correspondence c...