File: Punjabi Sentences Pdf 100898 | Paper473349 3353
international journal of current engineering and technology e issn 2277 4106 p issn 2347 5161 2015 inpressco all rights reserved available at http inpressco com category ijcet research article text ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...International journal of current engineering and technology e issn p inpressco all rights reserved available at http com category ijcet research article text chunker for punjabi ubeeka jain jasbir kaur r i t railmajra punjab india accepted sept online oct vol no abstract parsing is the process assigning a parse tree to sentence there are many problems related full shallow or chunking alternative in phrases sentences chunked together more efficient robust as it takes less time always gives solution often deterministic only one problem chunkers used large nlp applications such information extraction named entity recognition spell checkers search etc relatively difficult build indian languages arise during system development identify noun verb chunks non overlapping regions this work first standardized language built greedy based algorithm machine learning training data set keywords natural processing part speech tagge pos introduction verbs occurring single chunk computers understand gro...