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picture1_Language Pdf 100953 | Final Paper New Paper Id 63

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File: Language Pdf 100953 | Final Paper New Paper Id 63
preprocessing phase of punjabi language text summarization 1 2 vishal gupta and gurpreet singh lehal 1assistnt professor computer science engineering university institute of engineering technology panjab university chandigarh india vishal ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Preprocessing phase of punjabi language text summarization vishal gupta and gurpreet singh lehal assistnt professor computer science engineering university institute technology panjab chandigarh india pu ac in department patiala punjab gslehal yahoo com abstract is the process condensing source into a shorter version preserving its information content overall meaning it comprises two phases pre processing structured representation this paper concentrates on various sub are words boundary identification stop elimination noun stemming finding common english proper nouns sentence cue phrase keywords stemmer introduction to selecting important sentences paragraphs etc from original document concatenating them form abstractive understanding retelling fewer extractive summary deals with selection importance decided based statistical linguistic features can be divided influencing relevance calculated final score each determined using feature weight equation top ranked selected for which has b...

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