report on workshop on personality development programme a ten day workshop on personality development programme was organized by teaching learning centre tlc tezpur university tezpur assam from 27th august to ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Report on workshop personality development programme a ten day was organized by teaching learning centre tlc tezpur university assam from th august to september the main objective of familiarize participants with emerging ideas and trends how develop in st century contexts also aimed teach work various professionals people groups understand meaning life present context enhance their communication skills interpersonal order function professional social settings effectively enrich academic language writing presentation for presentations effective planning time management implementation setting goals achieving both personal learn evaluate oneself self appraisal introspection further growth personally professionally human influences impacts functioning an individual organizations fact that humans are is determined as well collective understanding one s own nurturing it enables be fine being need cope problems face hardships while shaping out careers become contributing citizens education e...