securities and exchange board of india sebi what is sebi securities and exchange board of india sebi is a statutory regulatory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate the indian ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Securities and exchange board of india sebi what is a statutory regulatory body entrusted with the responsibility to regulate indian capital markets it monitors regulates market protects interests investors by enforcing certain rules regulations was founded on april under act headquartered in mumbai has regional offices new delhi chennai kolkata ahmedabad along other local across prominent cities objective ensure that works systematic manner provide transparent environment for their investment put simply primary reason setting up prevent malpractices promote development about highest regards functioning security stock exchanges commodities etc formed as non made an autonomous independent after passing parliament functions ministry finance now powers regulation main facilitate growth are protected head office at east west north south also almost all major country structure carried out members chairman nominated central government two reserve bank nominates one member rest them must be f...