File: Sebi Act Pdf 95002 | Sebi Act, 1992 Revision
sebi act 1992 flow 1 introduction 2 preamble 3 composition of sebi 4 general functions 5 general power 6 section 11a regulation for issue of prospectus 7 section 11b directions ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Sebi act flow introduction preamble composition of general functions power section a regulation for issue prospectus b directions c investigation d lease and desist order adjudication its procedure aa collective investment scheme recovery amount appeal to sat insider trading other related issues before cg used regulate intermediaries offload burden has established it is applicable whole india include broker sub share transfer agent depository participants merchant banker foreign institutional investor alternate fund stock exchange develop securities market protect the interest register intermediary anything ancillary incidental thereto chairman representative ministry finance corporate affairs rbi members from which shall be time appointed by union government except removal member grounds declared insolvent at any unsound mind convicted moral turpitude abuse his position can removed after opportunity being heard on they either serving months notice or salary allowance relinquishment of...