File: Rera Act Pdf 94961 | Approval Of Association Of Allottees For Order Under 7(3)
real estate regulatory authority maharashtra maharera order no 07 2019 date 08h february 2019 subjecfi approval of association of allottees for order under section 7 3 of the act whereas ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Real estate regulatory authority maharashtra maharera order no date h february subjecfi approval of association allottees for under section the act whereas hon high court by an dated e december l in writ petitions neel kamal realtors suburban pvt ltd and anr vs union india others had observed as follows lt is possible thnt a genuine promoter after making good ffirts unable to complete project ruithin time stipulated at initial declaration or extended period considering exttnt potlter conferred on authoity ue need put up harmonious construction proztision rera lau confers potuers undtr larger public interest regulate sector shall be entitled take into consideration reasons ciranmstances due uhich could not completed uithin tle aggregate peiod one year prescibed we therefore find balanced approach keeping aieu obiect intent tlrc enactment rights liabilities allottee adopted zoould exercise its discretion zohile dealing zoith cases sections read ruith uould obserae that case fails proiect...