the real estate regulation and development act 2016 the kerala real estate regulation and development rules 2018 need of the hour the real estate sector in india has grown in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 19 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...The real estate regulation and development act kerala rules need of hour sector in india has grown recent years largely been unregulated from perspective consumer protection available laws recourse therein are only curative but not preventive overall potential growth affected due to absence professionalism standardization was cleared by parliament march came into effect on under states had notify realty set up regulatory authority rera nowforce for our state objects reasons ensureaccountability towards allottees protect their interest infuse transparency ensure fair play reduce frauds delays introduce pan establish symmetry information between promoter allottee imposing certain responsibilities both promoters oversight mechanism enforce contracts fast track dispute resolution promote good governance which turn would create investor confidence...