19th international congress on modelling and simulation perth australia 12 16 december 2011 http mssanz org au modsim2011 credit risk measurement methodologies a d e allen and r j powell ...
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...Th international congress on modelling and simulation perth australia december http mssanz org au modsim credit risk measurement methodologies a d e allen r j powell school of accounting finance economics edith cowan university email ecu edu abstract the significant problems experienced by banks during global financial crisis have highlighted critical importance measuring providing for this paper will examine four popular methods used in provide an analysis relative shortcomings advantages each method study includes external ratings approaches statement models merton kmv structural model transition based creditmetrics creditportfolioview assesses different criteria understanding merits disadvantages various can assist other modellers choosing between available techniques keywords value at probability default introduction high bank failures faced gfc are stark reminder accurately there variety leaving with dilemma deciding which to choose historically prominent include services like moo...