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picture1_Business Ppt Templates 72004 | Riskmanagement Mujeebeig

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File: Business Ppt Templates 72004 | Riskmanagement Mujeebeig
introduction risk management in islamic banking risk management in islamic banking institutions ibi s need to focus on the institutions ibi s need to focus on the following categories of ...

icon picture PPT Filetype Power Point PPT | Posted on 31 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Introduction risk management in islamic banking institutions ibi s need to focus on the following categories of credit equity investment market liquidity rate return operational shariah non compliance fiduciary besides these risks ibis are also exposed reputational arising from failures governance business strategy and process negative publicity about practices particularly relating their products services could have an impact upon position profitability is generally defined as potential that a counterparty fails meet its obligations accordance with agreed terms includes settlement clearing transactions pertains inherent holding instruments for purposes such based mudarabah musharakah contracts capital invested through may be used purchase shares publicly traded company or privately held specific project portfolio pooled vehicle case invest at different stages losses off balance sheet positions movements prices i e fluctuations values tradable marketable leaseable assets including suku...

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