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picture1_202005032229015914balak Das X Ray Powder Diffractometer

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File: 202005032229015914balak Das X Ray Powder Diffractometer
x ray analytical methods the use of x ray methods in the field of materials analysis covers many techniques based on the scatter emission and absorption properties of x radiation ...

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...X ray analytical methods the use of in field materials analysis covers many techniques based on scatter emission and absorption properties radiation two most common are fluorescence xrf spectrometry powder diffractometry xrd spectrometers spectrographs xrfs when a sample material is bombarded with energetic rays electrons protons etc vacancies may arise from removal inner orbital one processes by which atom regains stability transference outer to electron shells each these transitions accompanied an photon having energy equal difference between states wavelengths characteristic question there simple relationship moseley s law wavelength line atomic number thus made up different types atoms will produce series all contributions add become thetotalx rayemissionfromthesample technique utilizes diffracting power single crystal or proportional characteristics detector separate polychromatic beam into allowing qualitative quantitativeelemental measurementsto bemade diffractometer monochromat...

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