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picture1_Chemical Methods Of Sterilization Pdf 91968 | Pharmaceutics 1st Sterilization Unit 4

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File: Chemical Methods Of Sterilization Pdf 91968 | Pharmaceutics 1st Sterilization Unit 4
shmmonahmad department of pharmaceutics glocal school of pharmacy definition sterilization is a process that eliminates removes or kills all forms of life including transmissible agents such as fungi bacteria viruses ...

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...Shmmonahmad department of pharmaceutics glocal school pharmacy definition sterilization is a process that eliminates removes or kills all forms life including transmissible agents such as fungi bacteria viruses spore etc present on surface contained in fluid medication compound biological culture media can be achieved by applying the proper combinations heat chemicals irradiation high pressure and filtration physical methods dry b moist radiation use ultra violet rays ionising chemical gases c mechanical ceramic filters seitz filter sintered glass d meta e membrane thermal lethal effectiveness microorganism depends degree exposure period moisture within range sterilizing temperatures time required to produce effect inversely proportional temperature employed eg at hour mechanism coagulation protein living cell...

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