File: Play Therapy Techniques Pdf 91632 | 6 2020 05 10!11 35 45 Pm
chromatography chromatography chromatography is a general term that is applied for a wide variety of separation techniques based on the partitioning or distribution of a sample solute between a moving ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Chromatography is a general term that applied for wide variety of separation techniques based on the partitioning or distribution sample solute between moving mobile phase and fixed stationary it characterized by high surface area get result physiological interaction material to be estimated portable this either solid liquid carries separated passes from top gas there are large number methods accurate study should classified classification chromatographic procedures can subdivided according various physicochemical principles play role in phases divided into three parts gc supercritical fluid sfc lc b paper pc column thin layer tlc lon exchange ion means ions have same charged solution contact with but does not dissolve called an exchanger its own charge porous molecular structure allows movement solvent molecules through out freely many materials suitable purpose such as natural including some types clay soil where phenomenon was discovered first time noted dissolved salts water associ...