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picture1_Chemical Methods Of Sterilization Pdf 91631 | 6 2017 03 11!10 59 04 Pm

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File: Chemical Methods Of Sterilization Pdf 91631 | 6 2017 03 11!10 59 04 Pm
lab 5 sterilization sterilization a physical or chemical process that completely destroy or removes all microbial life including spores disinfection a physical or chemical process that kill or prevent the ...

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...Lab sterilization a physical or chemical process that completely destroy removes all microbial life including spores disinfection kill prevent the growth of pathogenic microorganism but not necessarily methods there are many for in general they divided into two b physicalmethods heat filteration radiation dry moist red this method tools especially metalic ones exposed to flame benzene burner until reaching color these include loops inoculation needles forceps which sterilized by using made steel resist oxidation high temperature flaming benzen without allowing them reach redness point mouth test tubes flasks slides cover slips slide note more precision alcohol can be used immersing above mentioned toolsin it before exposure e g knives surgery dissection scalpel medical syringes and spreaders hot air oven electrical at c hrs is perfect glass wares petridishes pipettes suitable affected temp eg must dried smashing breaking pasteurization done less than bacteria heating min ltlt sec htlt ...

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