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picture1_Chemical Methods Of Sterilization Pdf 91222 | 67 16scczo7 2020121803584892

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File: Chemical Methods Of Sterilization Pdf 91222 | 67 16scczo7 2020121803584892
concept physical and chemical methods of sterlization by dr r dhanapal guest lecturer of zoology mrgc mannargudi contents definition various agents used in sterilization physical agents sunlight drying dry heat ...

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...Concept physical and chemical methods of sterlization by dr r dhanapal guest lecturer zoology mrgc mannargudi contents definition various agents used in sterilization sunlight drying dry heat flaming inceneration hot air moist pasteurisation boiling steam under normal pressure high filteration candels asbestos pads membranes aradhanay yahoo com alcohols ethyle isopropyl trichlorobutanol aldehydes formaldehyde glutaraldehyde dyes halogens phenols surface active metallic salts gases ethylene oxide beta propiolactone generally laboratory is making a substance free from all micro organisms both vegetative sporing spore reproductive structure that adapted for dispersal surviving extended periods time unfavourable conditions spores form part the lifecycles many bacteria plants algae fungi some protozoa...

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