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picture1_Bulk Polymerization Example 90947 | 18bch35s U4

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File: Bulk Polymerization Example 90947 | 18bch35s U4
polymerization methods bulk polymerization solution polymerization emulsion polymerization suspension polymerization bulk polymerization in this method the monomer is taken in the liquid state and the initiator is dissolved in the ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Polymerization methods bulk solution emulsion suspension in this method the monomer is taken liquid state and initiator dissolved chain transfer reagent if required also function of train to control molecular weight final polymer result a homogenous phase resultant mass heated or exposed radiations particular wavelength for initiation as reaction proceeds viscosity medium increases hence mixing becomes progressively difficult which disadvantage another process restricted diffusibility growing because higher accumulation active radical sites causes enormous increase rate leading auto acceleration mechanism ultimately explosion not controlled properly advantages i simplicity ii purity obtained iii no requirement additives other than iv direct utility with isolation due disadvantages conversion making heat removal processing more used free methyl methacrylate h c ch cooch styrene chc get transparent powders pmma polystyrene thermocole cast sheets poly vinyl chloride pvc type dispersed aqu...

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