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picture1_Bulk Polymerization Example 90744 | 39181731

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File: Bulk Polymerization Example 90744 | 39181731
studies on the bulk polymerization of aliphatic aldehydes under title high pressure author s okamoto masami the review of physical chemistry of japan 1975 44 2 77 citation 88 issue ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Studies on the bulk polymerization of aliphatic aldehydes under title high pressure author s okamoto masami review physical chemistry japan citation issue date url http hdl handle net right type departmental bulletin paper textversion publisher kyoto university vol no tapan pressureii by iasa fi osamnl o propionaldehyde was studied at temperatures c as a function ac resulting polymer amorphous and had polyacetal structure which depoly merized to original monomer normal conditions ceiliog temperature far determined extra polating yields various reaction zero yield weight measuring method also rise due heat thermal could fallow more sensitively than thermodynamic quantities were volume change coefficient oc ceiling obtained molar volumes sc up kg cmz polymeri zotion is kcal mot entropy g e u etiect alkyl groups atldehydes dis cussed comparing present result wi hthe previous ones butyraldehyde isobutyraldehyde efi ect monomers with poor polymerizability discussed in comparison that meltin...

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