portfolio of compositions conceived in relation to an exploration of silence in music lo ting cheung doctor of philosophy university of york music september 2016 2 abstract the compositions presented ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Portfolio of compositions conceived in relation to an exploration silence music lo ting cheung doctor philosophy university york september abstract the presented this are unified by a common underlying theme idea works were written between october and august during course my research they as part three related areas uses ways effecting perception musically indeterminate approach placing musical work some pieces seek explore one major while purposes others may be manifold but all these emerges integral overall structure contents list accompanying cd acknowledgements declaration commentary on chapter less beaten track notions functions perceived sound question whens wheres conclusion bibliography title instrumentation period composition duration string quartet oct dec wings solo flute jan jun spring breeze rude awakening orchestra mar jul quietness violin bamboo grove home city dream field feb recordings for starry night strings percussion piano nocturne aug is not specifically discussed...