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picture1_Language Pdf 90466 | Course Outcome Sybsc It

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File: Language Pdf 90466 | Course Outcome Sybsc It
course outcome second year of b sc it program semester i course number usit301 course name python programming co1 understanding basic fundamentals of programming using python co2 recognize and construct ...

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...Course outcome second year of b sc it program semester i number usit name python programming co understanding basic fundamentals using recognize and construct common idioms variables loop branch subroutine strings input output define demonstrate the use built in data structures list dictionary study object oriented concepts creation gui adding widgets connecting to database theory lectures min per week over a credits p practical design implement solve real world problem language standard library session periods advantages disadvantages specific algorithms structure array its representation memory static dynamic relevant for them dynamically linked lists trees graphs heap priority queue hash tables sorting max algorithm stack graph evaluate terms time complexity operations implementation various like insertion deletion searching computer networks layered communication network osi model differentiate between analog digital utilization bandwidth media understand different types switching ...

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