File: Types Of Lecture Method Pdf 90219 | 209 Dna Transfer Methods
nptel bio technology genetic engineering applications module 5 lecture 1 gene transfer techniques biological methods 5 1 1 introduction the main gene transfer methods using biological means are as follows ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Nptel bio technology genetic engineering applications module lecture gene transfer techniques biological methods introduction the main using means are as follows bacterial delivery i e bactofection a viral vector transduction it is method of direct bacteria into target cell tissue organ or organism various strains that can be used vectors in therapy listed table genes located on plasmids transformed delivered and expressed cells may intracellular extracellular has potential to express plasmid encoded heterologous proteins antigens toxins hormones enzymes etc different types invasive having better spread more efficient joint initiative iits iisc funded by mhrd page disease model l monocytogenes il major infection mus musculus cftr cystic fibrosis cho k s typhimurium vegfr flk carcinomas choleraesuis thrombospondin melanoma ifn immunodeficiency cdl b lymphoma models figure process strain with containing transgene transferred genetically engineered penetrates c cytoplasm undergoes lysis g...