File: Quantitative Methods For Economics Pdf 90096 | Finalf03
final exam for quantitative methods economics 492l fall 2003 maxwell b stinchcombe this take home exam has nine equally weighted questions your answers are due before noon monday december 15 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Final exam for quantitative methods economics l fall maxwell b stinchcombe this take home has nine equally weighted questions your answers are due before noon monday december in the department main oce i expect you to work alone please keep separate on pieces of paper only acceptable reference works notes and textbooks class micro or macro my guess is that will want use casella berger several times if a numbered part problem makes statement job prove it true nd counter example not suppose we observe n values y arranged an vector andn x k matrix assume kand columns independent f e as small possible xx xy ls let solve minimization min subject denote answer note rst component equal express terms interpret previous m column span show explicitly give when s relate nding mean collection numbers thisproblemusesthenotationfromthepreviousproblem wesupposethatthere observations stacked above rearranging rows into gives variance random variables parameters distribution asks eee where least square...