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picture1_Descriptive Statistics Ppt 68529 | Ppt Ueu Metodologi Penelitian 11

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File: Descriptive Statistics Ppt 68529 | Ppt Ueu Metodologi Penelitian 11
quantitative research definition quantitative vs qualitative key characteristics types of quantitative research quantitative research data data collection and organization definition quantitative research methods are research methods dealing with numbers and ...

icon picture PPTX Filetype Power Point PPTX | Posted on 29 Aug 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Quantitative research definition vs qualitative key characteristics types of data collection and organization methods are dealing with numbers anything that is measurable in a systematic way investigation phenomena their relationships it used to answer questions on within variables an intention explain predict control entire study usually ends confirmation or disconfirmation the hypothesis tested researchers using method identify one few they intend use work proceed related those typically begins based theory followed application descriptive inferential statistics as term suggests concerned analysis numeric form tends emphasize relatively large scale representative sets often falsely our view presented perceived being about gathering facts other hand collecting analysing information many forms chiefly non possible focus exploring much detail smaller instances examples which seen interesting illuminating aims achieve depth rather than breadth blaxter hughes tight whilst may be mostly fo...

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