File: Extraction Methods Pdf 90093 | Cannabis Extraction Methods
cannabis extraction methods the cannabis market uses three main extraction techniques in all processes the plant material is subjected to a solvent to remove active compounds from the plant matter ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Cannabis extraction methods the market uses three main techniques in all processes plant material is subjected to a solvent remove active compounds from matter and filtered yield solution of with extracts rely on standard that have been used for years botanical chemical petrochemical distilled spirits industries super critical carbon dioxide use co pressurize its subcritical or supercritical state stream passes through chamber containing distillate can be isolated easily by reducing pressure which evaporates leaving extract no working temperature affords systems ability complete terpene profile liquefied hydrocarbons butane propane other low molecular weight liquid hydrocarbon bed filter yielding an like method reduction free this requires great attention safety due flammability ethanol food grade usp as varies vessels reactors spinning barrels popular process has chilled...