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picture1_Residential Lease Addendum 206474 | Lease Addendum Suggested Clause

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File: Residential Lease Addendum 206474 | Lease Addendum Suggested Clause
alberta residential landlord association suggested lease addendum lease addendum 1 cannabis consumption prohibition on tobacco and cannabis smoke in consideration of the landlord s desire to offer tenants a smoke ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 13 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Alberta residential landlord association suggested lease addendum cannabis consumption prohibition on tobacco and smoke in consideration of the s desire to offer tenants a free environment health hazards associated second hand other safety concerns nuisance caused by presence including lasting odours which permeate walls floor coverings interior finishes this premises is strictly non smoking includes use both products have undesirable effects property peaceful enjoyment breach will be considered substantial as result take any all action eviction production smells damage with increased indoor moisture levels danger overburdened electrical systems related these things there growth further derivatives deleterious such activities also prohibited prohibitions statute tenancies act sa c r tenant covenants following form part every tenancy agreement that rent paid when due b not significant manner interfere rights either or common areas they perform illegal acts carry an trade business occupa...

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