File: Modern Teaching Methods Pdf 89330 | 125921356
advances in social science education and humanities research volume 361 5th international conference on education reform and modern management ermm 2019 teaching reform of communication principles course based on python ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Advances in social science education and humanities research volume th international conference on reform modern management ermm teaching of communication principles course based python fangni chen weiwei qiu zhejiang university technology china corresponding author keywords abstract view the current situation information engineering specialties existing problems are analyzed this paper puts forward for first time integrates into theory experiment operation design objectives contents methods with designed explored implementing mode language assisted can help students to clarify understand abilities they should achieve according indicators practice it shows that helps save experimental cost stimulate learning interest improve quality effectiveness introduction is an important basic specialized includes strong concepts numerous mathematical reasoning formulas which make very difficult master therefore when besides class formula derivation theoretical homework dynamic demonstration verifi...