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25 Bungy Jumping Articles

icon picture zip Filetype zip | Posted on 21 Jun 2022 | 3 years ago

Andy yahya
Andy yahya

The following is a list of 25 txt files containing articles about Bungy Jumping. These articles can be used as ideas for modifying articles or reposting. Some snippets of file contents have been shown under the title. You can download all these files at once in 1 zip file for free on this page.

1. Bungee Jumping Accidents
..... Bungee jumping is, by it's nature, a dangerous sport. There is no denying that fact. However, modern manufacturing methods and safety practices have made the sport much safer over the past decade. It is certainly safer than the land diving of the South Pacific natives. Unfortunately, even with all of these advances in the sport, bungee jumping accidents still occur. In this article we will examine what can happen as a result of bungee jumping. The most severe bungee jumping accidents can actually be fatal. Most of the fatalities that have occurred in bungee jumping occur as a result of head trauma. Miscalculation of the length of bungee cord necessary to complete the jump safely has resulted in several deaths since the sport became a public phenomenon in the late 1970s. One of the most infamous deaths from bungee jumping occurred during practice for the half-time show of Superbowl XXXI, in 1997. Laura Patterson, who was practicing with members of her professional team, died upon impact when she jumped from the top level of the Louisianna Superdome. The accident was blamed on the bungee cords being handled incorrectly. The half-time show was subsequently cancelled, and a tribute to Laura was performed instead. Other deaths have resulted from people actually coming loose from the ankle harness. This has led to the common practice of using a body harness as a back-up safety precaution. .....


2. Bungee Jumping Clubs
..... So you want to go bungee jumping, and you are trying to figure out where to get started. Or, perhaps you are a seasoned jump veteran, and you are looking for others to start a jumping group together. Either way, you are really looking for the same thing: a bungee club. Bungee jumping clubs have come into existence over the last few decades as a result of the prominence and massive expansion of the bungee jumping industry. A group called the Dangerous Sports Club could be considered to be the first bungee jumping club. This group, from Oxford and London, were active in a variety of extreme sports adventures from the late 1970s through the 1980s. The club is credited with the invention of the modern bungee jumping craze. Their first jump took place on April 1st, 1979. The club was very active during their heyday in the early 1980s. Easily the most famous member of the Dangerous Sports Club was Graham Chapman, of Monty Python fame. .....


3. Bungee Jumping Culture
..... There is something about an individual that is willing to jump from a high place, attached to a rubber band. This modern extreme sport, known as bungee jumping, seems to have it's own culture attached to it. It's almost ethereal, hard to put your finger on it, but it is there. Perhaps it comes from the past, or is a morphing into a new spiritual experience, but the bungee jumping culture can be seen and felt. So what is the bungee jumping culture? Where did it come from? Where is it going? The origins of the sport itself gives us a clue as to where the bungee jumping culture came from. Originally a religious ritual used on the South Pacific island of Pentecost to appease mother earth, it was supposed to proved for a good yam crop. It was also a demarcation, a rite of passage, for young boys to become known as men. Since as long as anybody can tell, these natives have conducted this ritual every spring, literally for thousands of years. The prevailing culture of the original land divers was definitely a spiritual one. .....


4. Bungee Jumping Equipment
..... Bungee jumping equipment comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. In fact, each piece of the equipment used in bungee jumping can have quite a few variations. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the equipment used in bungee jumping before you participate in a jump. This way you will know what to look for and what type of setup you would like best. While there are many different types of platforms and retrieval equipment, for the purpose of this article, we will look at two things that will affect your jump the most - the bungee cord, and the harness. When talking about bungee jumping equipment, the bungee cord is one of the most important items. There are several variations on the type of cord that is used in bungee jumping today. There are braided cords, unbraided cords, pre-stretched and un-stretched, natural rubber, mil spec, and the Euro cord. These are the major variations in the bungee cord used in today's bungee jumping sports events. Let's take a minute to look at the characteristics of each one of these cords, and the impact that it has on the end user: the bungee jumper. .....


5. Bungee Jumping Safety
..... Bungee jumping safety should be at the top of anyone's priority list if they plan to engage in the extreme sport of bungee jumping. It's not every day that someone jumps off of an object 100 or more feet in the air, attached only by a large rubber rope. There are many, many things that can go very, very wrong in bungee jumping. Bungee jumping safety is the art and practice of making the sport as safe as possible. This is especially true with commercial ventures that are open to the public. Such places may serve thousands of patrons every year. One fatality can be enough to put them out of business for good. They take bungee jumping safety very seriously ... as well they should. The first thing you should know about bungee jumping safety is that each organization or group that conducts bungee jumping is referred to as a 'club'. It is important that you find out if the club you are jumping with is certified through some safety governing body. In most countries, there is a government safety organization that regulates public safety standards in various environments. In the United States, for example, we have OSHA, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, who oversees all workplace safety issues. In Great Britain, there is the Heath & Safety Executive (HSE), whose functions are very similar. .....


6. Bungee Or Bungie Jumping
..... You've seen it, but perhaps are still unaware of the controversy surrounding bungee jumping. No, I'm not talking about the obvious discussion surrounding the safety of this sport. What I want to present in this article is the origins of the word 'bungee'. Actually, there is some controversy as to whether it is bungee or bungie jumping. My word processor's spell check feature likes the 'bungee' version, but as we shall soon see, this may not actually be the historically correct spelling. While the sport of bungee jumping was brought to the forefront of the modern public's attention by a BBC documentary in the 1950s, the term bungee was in use prior to this time. The natives whose religious ceremony has evolved into this sport did not come up with this term, as some might suspect. Looking back into the dictionaries of the past and the etymology of the word, we can find this disclaimer: origin unknown. While this may be the official stance, let's take a closer look at the word, it's historical uses, and possible origins. .....


7. Bungy Jumping As Stunts
..... While we may never know for certain which is actually stronger-- the media's influence on the public, or the public's influence on the media-- but there is no way to discount the fact that the influence in both directions is very strong indeed. The general population, especially the younger people, are greatly influenced by what they see on on the movie screen, and they wish to emulate their favorite stars. The actions which the celebrities take part in, American youth wants to take part in also. And bungy jumping is no exception! On the other hand, what is presented in the media often clearly mirrors the behaviors and the lifestyles of the American public. For better or for worse, a large part of American entertainment is based on mimicking their audiences. If it is popular amongst "regular folks," presenting it on the movie screen tends to make it even more popular. .....


8. Bungy Jumping Clubs Around The World
..... If you are a newcomer to the sport of bungy jumping and wish to find others who share your likeminded interests, or if you're a seasoned jumper who considers this sport to be one of your main passions, you may be interested in connecting with bungy clubs and their members. As the popularity of this sport has become worldwide, so have the clubs which cater to bungy jumping enthusiasts! In the United States, there are currently twenty-five states which have their own listed bungy clubs. This is quite impressive for a sport which has only been in existence in its present form for the last two decades. Some of these states boast more than one club; California has the most, located in Sacramento, El Segundo, Alameda, and Los Gatos. Canada presently lists five, located in British Columbia, Alberta, Ottawa, and two in Ontario. If you are truly passionate about this sport, checking into these bungy jumping clubs is a great way to make your experiences even better. .....


9. Bungy Jumping In America
..... Although there are many bungy jumping sites in countries all over the globe, many Americans who have developed an interest in this sport would prefer locations that are closer to home. Fortunately, there are plenty of places in the United States where prospective bungy jumpers can begin trying out this fascinating new hobby. Whether you'd like a plan a traveling vacation centered around bungy jumping, or if you want a day of excitement nearer to where you live, it is not difficult to find a bungy jumping location which suits your needs. You may just decide to make it a part of your lifestyle. Some of the prime bungy jumping sites in the United States can be found in California. Due to its year-round mild climate, outdoor sports in general are very popular in this state, and bungy jumping is no exception. Bungee America, which is located in Los Angeles, is one of the most well-known in Southern California. Since it first opened in 1989, Bungee America is the oldest bungy jumping company in the country. This fact, coupled with their perfect safety record, may help you in deciding that Bungee America would certainly be a good choice for your bungy jumping trip. .....


10. Do You Wan TTo Lear NBungy Jumping
..... Perhaps you have decided to take up the sport of bungy jumping, but would prefer some professional training before taking the plunge. Or perhaps you have thought a lot about bungy jumping, but still have not reached a conclusion as to whether you want to try it or not. If you find yourself in either of these categories, you can benefit from taking some bungy jumping classes which are designed to teach you everything you need to know and have a bit of hands-on experience under the guidance of skilled instructors. This way, you can have the confidence of knowing you have learned the basic skills needed for bungy jumping before you take your first death-defying challenge. As there are already a number of classes in various locations for bungy jumping staff members, it shouldn't be long before suitable classes are also open to the general public to assist them in gaining the important knowledge and skills needed for this sport. You can decide if this is something you would like to consider as an option; if so, check to see when classes like this are available in your area. .....


11. Five Bungee Jumping Questions
..... There are five bungee jumping questions that you need to ask when you decide to go jumping. Here's what they are, and why they matter. # 1 - How do I want to go bungee jumping? This question will help decide how high off the ground you will be when you do your bungee jump. Do you want to use a commercial crane outfit, or are you looking for something more in tune with nature? Perhaps jumping off of a bridge towards the earth and a running stream of water would be more appealing to your sense of adventure. .....


12. How Did Bungy Jumping Become So Popular
..... Some people love anything that is new. Some people love anything that is adventurous. Put both of those key elements together and it is easy to see how bungy jumping very quickly went from being one individual inventing an elastic rope and tossing himself off high structures to a legitimate sport which has gained worldwide popularity in a relatively short period of time. Twenty-five years ago no one had heard of bungy jumping; today, it is all the rage-- everywhere! Bungy jumping is one sport for which the aspect of newness is constant. Whether a person is attempting his very first jump or has made it a consistent part of his lifestyle, the element of adventure is such that each and every jump is a fresh experience. Even if you frequent the same bungy jumping sites on a regular basis, this is a sport in which every experience is different, and each time feels like the first time. Adventure-seekers of all ages and backgrounds will delight in this factor, because no matter how long you engage in the sport of bungy jumping it is something which will never become routine. The excitement is present whether it is your first jump or your twentieth! .....


13. Modern Bungee Jumping
..... Modern bungee jumping started with a jump from a suspension bridge in Bristol, England, on April 1, 1979. Obviously, it was no April fool's joke. From a height of 250 ft., four friends from the 'Dangerous Sports Club' leapt into the history books by taking the historic plunge. They were promptly arrested by the authorities shortly after completion of their activities. However, this failed to dampen their spirits much. They moved their jumping activities to the United States, where the jumped from the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco, California. They also managed to secure sponsorship from the American television show 'That's Incredible' for their jump from the Royal Gorge bridge in Colorado. Their perseverance helped bring modern bungee jumping to the spotlight of the media, and the masses. Bungee jumping takes place around the world today, from Australia to the United States, to many countries in Europe. It is well respected as a dangerous and extreme sport. Despite it's obvious dangerous aspect, millions of people have successfully completed jumps since the onset of modern bungee jumping. Indeed, tens of thousands of bungee jumpers take the plunge each year, in an ever-increasing variety of ways and places. .....


14. Naked Bungee Jumping
..... There's a new trend in bungee jumping, but I wouldn't exactly say that it's taking the world by storm. So what is this new angle on the ancient sport of bungee jumping? How about naked bungee jumping. OK, so I know you think I'm crazy, but there hundreds, perhaps thousands out there who will swear by this experience. Let's take a few minutes to look at the possible attraction, as well as the detractors, of this bizarre variation on the sport. First, it is interesting to note that the natives who have performed the ritual that has become bungee jumping for thousands of years wear very little clothing. I'll admit, it must be a bit different jumping from a make-shift wooden tower using a jungle vine attached to your ankles. This is a far cry from modern bungee jumping. However, these native young men wore nothing more than a flimsy loin cloth on their plunge to please mother earth. So in some primitive, instinctual way, there must be a spiritual attraction of sorts in performing naked bungee jumping. Some people who choose to participate in this variation of the sport have admitted to being extreme naturalists, even nudists. Of course, there are those who complete nude bungee jumping who wouldn't qualify as nature lovers at all. .....


15. Physics Of Bungee Jumping
..... While modern bungee jumping has become known and practiced worldwide, what is less understood is the physics behind bungee jumping. Interestingly enough, the extreme sport originated from spiritual rituals of South Pacific natives, who had no idea of the science behind the sport. Modern bungee jumping enthusiasts find much comfort in the idea that someone has worked through the math required to perform a safe jump. So who developed the physics of bungee jumping and how sure are the modern practitioners of the sport that it is relatively safe? Let's start by taking a look at the origins of the science behind the sport. Years before the discovery of the land diving natives on Pentecost Island, a British mathematician named Robert Hooke was discovering the physics of bungee jumping. He began working as an assistant to the famous scientist Robert Boyle in 1653. However, it wasn't until 1660 that he formulated and wrote down Hooke's Law of Elasticity. In laymen's terms, Hooke's law basically tells us how much tension a spring can endure, and the maximum length it will reach. Hooke's law can be used on any material that is considered linear-elastic, or stretching lengthwise. Oddly enough, rubber is usually considered non-linear, because variations of stress and temperature can have a significant impact on the elasticity of the rubber. .....


16. The Discovery Of Bungee Jumping
..... The discovery of bungee jumping may have taken place back in the 1700s by European explorers, but it was not until the 20th century that bungee jumping really made waves around the world. The current public awareness and concept of bungee jumping stems from a BBC documentary that aired during the 1950s on the topic of the land divers from Pentecost Island in the South Pacific. This documentary really brought the subject to public masses for the first time since the discovery of bungee jumping several hundred years ago. It was Sir David Attenborough (one of the BBC's best known broadcasters and writers) and his crew that recorded the first film footage of the land divers, or bungee jumpers from the island of Penetecost in the 1950s. The discovery of bungee jumping was so intriguing and original, that it sparked quite an interest in the modern western world. Most people had never seen anything quite like it, much less ever attempted such a feat. Seeing the young natives jump from seventy foot stick towers and hurl themselves at the ground was shocking. The fact that they were tethered to the tower with a jungle vine was almost unbelievable. .....


17. The Highest Bungy Jumping In The World
..... Located in Southeast Asia, Macau offers the highest bungy jumping in the world. There, you can have the opportunity to throw yourself off of the Macau Tower, a height which is approximately 764 feet (233m). This is an experience which you will most likely never forget-- and it must be experienced first-hand in order to be fully appreciated. If you are seeking the very best in true thrills and excitement, the Macau Tower is surely the place to go for your bungy jumping! In addition to being the highest jump, this particular experience has the added factor of allowing the jumper to fall very close to the concrete tower itself during your descent downward. This factor has the dual purpose of both assessing your speed and creating an increased adrenalin flow. Your plummeting speed will reach approximately 200km/hr; and at the end of your ride on a fifty-meter cord, you will be thirty meters from the ground. There is probably nothing else that you will ever do in your entire lifetime that can ever compare to the adrenalin rush you will get from bungy jumping off the Macau Tower. Their word for this experience-- "extreme"-- is undoubtedly a very accurate description. .....


18. The History Of Bungee Jumping
..... The history of bungee jumping goes back many hundreds, if not thousands of years. Coming from another culture in a land that time seems to have forgotten, we find an ancient ritual called 'naghol' or land diving. It is an intriguing story with some elements of mystery, religion, and adventure. Let's take a closer look at the history of bungee jumping. Examining the history of bungee jumping takes us to a small island in the South Pacific named Pentecost Island, one of 83 islands that make up the country of Vanuatu. Pentecost Island was discovered in 1768 by French explorer Louis Antoine de Bougainville during his voyage to circumnavigate the globe. It was not named, however, until sighted by the infamous Captain Cook in 1774. The name came as a result of the day on which Cook spotted the island, which was the Christian holy day of Pentecost. During the history of bungee jumping, many Christian missionaries have attempted to change the culture of the inhabitants of Pentecost Island. However, even though most of the inhabitants of the island profess Christianity today, their ancient culture and rituals remain strong. Bungee jumping is one such ritual. .....


19. The Risks Of Bungy Jumping
..... Thusfar, there have been a half-dozen deaths and nearly as many critical injuries attributed to bungy jumping. As bungy jumping is a relatively new sport, this is a significant number, and should make clear for anyone considering bungy jumping that it is quite risky indeed. While how well the bunjy jumping equipment is maintained and overseen for its safety factors plays a large role in preventing deaths, there are a number of health risks associated with the sport itself. Deaths and critical injuries generally occur as a result of improperly maintained equipment or miscalculations of cord length. A death from massive cranial trauma occurred in 1997, for example, from improperly handled cords. The victim was a female member of a professional bungy jumping team. .....


20. The Sport Of Bungy Jumping
..... Three decades before bungy jumping began to come into the public eye as a new sport, the well-known broadcaster Sir David Attenborough encountered people on the Pentecost Island who demonstrated their courage by tying vines around their ankles and diving from tall platforms. Shortly after, Chris Baker of England devised an elastic rope for attempting a similar feat. In 1979, members of the Oxford England's Dangerous Sports Club jumped from the 250-foot Clifton Suspension Bridge, marking the first attempts at bungy jumping as it is known today. Bungy jumping was slowly but surely gaining the public's interest as a potential sport. In 1986, A. J. Hackett of New Zealand did his own first jump. To promote widespread interest, he bungy jumped from numerous structures, including the Eiffel Tower in France, going on to start up one of the world's largest bungy jumping companies. The A. J. Hackett Bungy company has expanded to locations in Macau, Mexico, Indonesia, Germany, the United States, Australia, and France, in addition to his original New Zealand location. .....


21. Types Of Bungee Jumping
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22. Ways To Bungee Jump
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23. What Type Of Bungy Jumping Trip Would You Like
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24. Where To Bungee Jump
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25. Who Is Best Suited For Bungy Jumping
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