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picture1_Brainstorming Examples Pdf 89169 | Jaylyn Paulino Mind Mapping

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File: Brainstorming Examples Pdf 89169 | Jaylyn Paulino Mind Mapping
mind mapping by jaylyn e paulino what is mind mapping mind mapping is a technique invented by tony buzan in the 1970s it is used to increase memory and understand ...

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...Mind mapping by jaylyn e paulino what is a technique invented tony buzan in the s it used to increase memory and understand concepts ideas key terms information process of using visual map which contains main idea that branches out into related important pertaining topic flexible because does not require structured outline or specific way be created simply creativity flow cognitive translated diagram helps organize notes makes learning more active stimulates brainstorming encourages critical thinking there are many benefits commonly settings such as education why should you consider when studying according petro increases maintenance if correctly one ability take maps creative processes stimulating both hemispheres brain pp study conducted math class brinkmann consistent with findings found have helped students content he describes being identical tree sliced half viewed from above trunk its supporting topics reasons help prompts consolidation connection between old knowledge new summa...

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