File: Positive Reframing Examples Pdf 89072 | 0212 9728 Ap 34 02 367
anales de psicologia 2018 vol 34 n 2 may 368 377 copyright 2018 editum servicio de publicaciones de la universidad de murcia murcia spain http dx doi org 10 6018 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Anales de psicologia vol n may copyright editum servicio publicaciones la universidad murcia spain http dx doi org analesps issn print edition web revistas um es positive visual reframing a randomised controlled trial using drawn imagery to defuse the intensity of negative experiences and regulate emotions in healthy adults julia clare ruppert francisco jose eiroa orosa collective arts england uk department clinical psychology psychobiology faculty university barcelona titulo reformulacion positiva un ensayo controlado aleatorizado abstract this research explores outcome utilizando imagenes visuales para disminuir intensidad experiencias pvr single session intervention where images expe negativas y regular emociones en adultos sanos riences open memories were redrawn visually reframed form resumen se exploran los resultados new narratives study hypothesised that would lead rvp una intervencion que memorias abiertas improvements affect self efficacy per riencias son reformuladas visualm...