103 7s of good housekeeping description 7s of good housekeeping is the most basic and fundamental approach for productivity and quality improvement in all types of business it is intended ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...S of good housekeeping description is the most basic and fundamental approach for productivity quality improvement in all types business it intended to optimize physical workspace efficiency effectiveness by identifying storing items used maintaining orderliness cleanliness area sustaining new order ensure safety workers efficient manner an expanded version stands sort systematize sweep standardize self discipline sustain objectives create awareness on concepts implement apply program workplace course outline concept how do benefits installation methodology lecture discussion activity workshop no days day target participants micro small medium enterprises expected outcomes better cleaner improved health reduction accidents injuries department labor employment national wages commission nd rd floor dy international building gen malvar san marcelino streets malate manila telephone nos telefax http www nwpc dole gov ph...