The words contained in this file might help you see if this file matches what you are looking for:
...Cpa payroll part debtor slcc subs lw microsof sofware amazon usb stick grenklease dd printer websters xmas podiatry finnesse wilsons commune domaine name baildon com link room rent cred l winch travel exp santander bank interest prime r gallagher mobile phone top up c hardaker banner environ hale comm dev youth council m scrimshaw warden boots reflections toilets bhcc cbmdc tramway footpath hill caretaker ich g dixon cllr expenses browgate chemist dementia chq loo donation baxters ladies club hire mens forum balti house wypf pension cash petty cardboard plusnet wifi charges dacres carpet library table training material hcrra skylark bhs awm waste acs stationary precept support grant xbm allots shipley college environment bw d brown auditor assembly annual report yorks water seasons ylca subscription dotty print bunting meet hot dogs fin ledger and edge it wildmans...