5 5 repairing of cable joi nts introduction electrical joints and terminations provide the required electrical connection as well as the mechanical support and physical protection to the cable it ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Repairing of cable joi nts introduction electrical joints and terminations provide the required connection as well mechanical support physical protection to it is important for jointing system suit service operational requirements all industrial environments applications these devices are cables wires a good installation provides better supply power fig has become preferred pick over conventional systems termination abandonment low voltage repair kits often specialised in wire installations worldwide play very role distribution there different types like lt joint kv used places where bare conductor cannot be due narrow roads costlier than same replaced unit indd mar pm session methods should simple twisting taping variety line adapters connectors method depends on type connector application other factors proper tools equipment given below some ensure reliable connections such size particular cuts stripping clean technique restoring insulation outer sheath armour western union splice ma...