File: Therapeutic Exercise Pdf 88838 | Ahead W2 Handout 2
progressive muscle relaxation script this script is designed to be read out loud by the leader of this exercise if you are planning to practice alone read through the script ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Progressive muscle relaxation script this is designed to be read out loud by the leader of exercise if you are planning practice alone through ahead time become familiar with content and process reading will difficult during pmr but exact adherence not necessary once feel free modify it fit your specific needs comforts find yourself a quiet place relax where safe least likely disturbed sounds or presence others for complete utter can either sit lie down just make sure that warm enough reasonably comfortable let hands rest loosely in lap side now close eyes aware breathing notice how abdomen rises falls each breath take long slow deep nose all way into stomach hold moment then exhale mouth allow carry away stress tension as air floods lungs another fill completely release empty third go body has already undergone change begun loosen subside rhythm return normal i ask tense various muscles throughout please do without straining need exert contract firmly gently breathe uncomfortable at a...