4 plating methods used in microbiology abhay kumar l narasimha murthy a jeyakumari mumbai research centre of cift vashi navi mumbai 400703 introduction microorganisms are present on all inanimate surfaces ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Plating methods used in microbiology abhay kumar l narasimha murthy a jeyakumari mumbai research centre of cift vashi navi introduction microorganisms are present on all inanimate surfaces creating ubiquitous sources possible contamination the laboratory experimental success relies ability scientist to sterilize work and equipment as well prevent contact sterile instruments solutions with non study microorganism needs accurate handling or it adversely affects handlers standard operating procedures key step performing this not only gives reliable result but also ensure safety technicians is common technique employed petriplates different sizes can be for purposes recommended that pathogenic strains when learning various by following described protocol perform enumeration bacteria without contaminating media self isolate single bacterial colonies streak method use pour spread variety applications like desired screening general instructions workspace premises essential microbial works pri...