ijarcce issn online 2278 1021 issn print 2319 5940 international journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering iso 3297 2007 certified vol 6 issue 10 october 2017 the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Ijarcce issn online print international journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering iso certified vol issue october the best machine learning algorithms used artificial intelligence indrasen poola abstract is answer for tomorrow as our belief losing naturally gradually with high confidence we will observe multiple roles taken over by machines next few years customer service representatives legal assistants medical even primary care physicians many others it start human augmentation but move pretty rapidly towards replacement this paper are discussing different keywords big data introduction digital world taking us joy ride be able to guide only some part revolution disruption natural evolution through take rest can combine nature inspired algorithm improve accuracy level example genetic brownlee j help turning hyper parameters or choosing features no match stupidity dependency humans reduce mundane tasks initially would handle routine repetitive organizations...