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picture1_Language Pdf 101580 | Ijarcce 91

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File: Language Pdf 101580 | Ijarcce 91
issn online 2278 1021 issn print 2319 5940 ijarcce international journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering iso 3297 2007 certified vol 5 issue 11 november 2016 gesture ...

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...Issn online print ijarcce international journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering iso certified vol issue november gesture recognition using marathi hindi alphabet monika dangore rakshit fulzele rahul dobale shruti girolla seoutaj singh professor d y patil school pune india student abstract this paper we are going to implement between deaf dumb a normal person have always been challenging task sign language uses different means expression for everyday life propose the system which aims eradicating barrier them by developing order translate hand into textual format without any requirement special interpreter presents translation manual gestures alphabets at first objective is develop database can also be useful helping two people who know languages same problem output displayed speaker mobile keywords web camera hsv image colour based extraction centre gravity i introduction hgr plays significant role four approaches used slr number skin filtering feature cr...

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