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picture1_Study Methods Pdf 88386 | Citrusrt 38 2 1

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File: Study Methods Pdf 88386 | Citrusrt 38 2 1
e issn 2236 3122 citrus research technology v 38 n 2 2017 nota note http dx doi org 10 4322 crt icc100 evaluation of different grafting methods to citrus cultivars ...

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...E issn citrus research technology v n nota note http dx doi org crt icc evaluation of different grafting methods to cultivars zahoor hussain faheem khadija abdul aziz muhammad nawaz khan raza salik raheel anwar summary is one the most important fruit crops world and are propagated by sexual asexual rootstocks produced seed zygotic seedling while scion such as budding cutting layering in punjab pakistan mostly t well side used propagate new plants with low success rate current study we investigated effects wedge or cleft tongue mandarin cv kinnow sweet orange cvs succri jaffa on rough lemon c jambhiri lush rootstock experiment was designed a split plot randomized complete block three replications where single plant considered an experimental unit thirty were grafted each method results showed that had highest graft take respectively alone shoot length significantly higher mandarins cm followed compared general effective propagation for all evaluated province index terms avaliacao de dif...

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