teaching speaking skill through communicative language teaching an experiment study in the first grade of ma pembangunan uin jakarta a skripsi presented to the faculty of tarbiyah and teachers training ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Teaching speaking skill through communicative language an experiment study in the first grade of ma pembangunan uin jakarta a skripsi presented to faculty tarbiyah and teachers training partial fulfillment requirements for degree s pd bachelor arts english education departement syarif hidayatullah state islamic university h ii iii abstract siti nurhayati department advisor dra farida hamid m keywords this research is aimed improve students clt academic year subjects were consisted two classes they b class method used was experimental design applied true has control that grammar translation gtm followed campbell stanley with following procedures random pre test post result show there improvement actively by using most achieved good score finding related average from showed effectively improving communicating iv...