efforts to improve programmable logic controller programming competence and its application on vocational high school tri rijanto nurhayati nurhayati b puput wanarti rusimamto agus budi santoso and agamnizardwinurfahmi department of ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 25 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Efforts to improve programmable logic controller programming competence and its application on vocational high school tri rijanto nurhayati b puput wanarti rusimamto agus budi santoso agamnizardwinurfahmi department of electrical engineering universitas negeri surabaya indonesia unesa ac id abstract the industrial revolution has reached by developing automation cyber systems but use in sector is still not accompaniedbyappropriateoperators vocationalhighschool smk graduates who are ready work enter world do have compe tencies expected industry required operation plc at ykp magetan with tence electronics expertise it necessary know basics this study aims students using learning media form trainers determine level fea sibility as method used research a ddevelopmentmodel thestagesofddevelopmentareasfollows dene dening design develop development disseminate deployment that one group pretest posttest paired sample t test was carried out class x tei total training smknykpmagetanwhichwillprovi...