daftar pustaka sumber buku barker robert l 1978 the social work dictionary national association of social workers maryland silver spring bordwell david thompson kristin 2008 film art 8th new york ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Sep 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Daftar pustaka sumber buku barker robert l the social work dictionary national association of workers maryland silver spring bordwell david thompson kristin film art th new york mcgraw hill companies brown blain cinematography theory and practice amsterdam elsevier inc danesi marcel pengantar memahami semiotika media yogyakarta jalasutra departemen pendidikan dan kebudayaan kamus besar bahasa indonesia jakarta balai efendy heru mari membuat panduan untuk menjadi produser konfiden huraerah abu kekerasan terhadap anak bandung nuansa cendekia hurlock e b developmental psychology a lifespan approach boston mabruri anton manajemen produksi program acara tv format drama grasindo mascelli v joseph five c s camera angles california cine publications hollywood terjemahan h misbach yusa biran motion picture filming techniques simplified lima jurus sinematografi fftv ikj pratista himawan homerian poerwadarminta w j umum pn raco r conny semiawan metode penelitian kualitatif jenis karakteristik keu...