class notes class xii topic principals and methods of preservation of fruits and vegetables subject agriculture principals and methods of preservation of fruits and vegetables preservation means just protect the ...
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...Class notes xii topic principals and methods of preservation fruits vegetables subject agriculture means just protect the foods against spoilage but scientifically it may be defined as a science which deals with process for prevention decay or food is called in other words controlling physical chemical microbial changes colour flavour texture taste etc carbohydrate fats proteins vitamins minerals mould yeasts bacteria principles there are three main delay decomposition b shelf c damage by insects animals mechanical causes keeping out micro organisms asepsis removal filtration hindering growth activity anaerobic condition d killing exposing at high temperature preventing entry maintaining general cleanliness while picking grading packing transporting increase their quality product prepared from them will superior juice bear soft drinks wines enter through proof filters made asbestos pad unglazed porcelain type materials these contain allow water to percolate though without pressure cond...