Tummo Tutorial Tummo Breathing & Meditation Tummo Breathing & Meditation Tummo breathing and meditation is very simple and quite complicated at the same time. This is why I have funneled it down to simple steps. Please always stay at the step where you feel most comfortable. Otherwise you may be challenged to get into your head and give up. I am not an ocial Tummo teacher. I have never seen or met one either. However I have a friend that is a real Tibetan Lama. Lama Lobsang Topgyal is his name. Lama Lobsang will teach me more about ...
'Neurocognitive and somatic components of temperature increases during gtummo meditation: Legend and reality' by Maria Kozhevnikov, James Elliott, Jennifer Shephard & Klaus Gramann PLoS ONE Maria Kozhevnikov (Psychology) has demonstrated, for the first time, that it is possible for core body temperature to be controlled by the brain. A team of researchers led by A/P Maria Kozhevnikov found that elevated core body temperature increases can be achieved using certain meditation techniques (g tummo) which could help in boosting immunity to fight infectious diseases or immunodeficiency. Previous studies conducted by  ...