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picture1_Microencapsulation Pdf 87726 | Microencapsulation And Spray Drying Technology

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File: Microencapsulation Pdf 87726 | Microencapsulation And Spray Drying Technology
microencapsulation and spray drying technology parvathy u and jeyakumari a fish processing division icar central institute of fisheries technology cochin email p pillai2012 gmail com introduction till recent food was ...

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...Microencapsulation and spray drying technology parvathy u jeyakumari a fish processing division icar central institute of fisheries cochin email p pillai gmail com introduction till recent food was analysed only based on sensory flavor texture as well its nutritional value however account the growing evidence other bioactive components play in linking health an increased interest has been evident among consumer regarding their benefits this further resulted accounting for beyond basic to disease prevention enhancing aspects nutrients dietary supplements are major constituents functional foods nutraceuticals which make them instrumental maintaining act against various conditions thus promote quality life ingredients include proteins vitamins minerals lipids antioxidants phytochemicals probiotic bacteria etc these bioactives very sensitive application is great challenge industry without affecting properties technique proved be one preservation techniques substances method production nove...

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